Chua Eng Hui
Since 2020
Chua Eng Hui is veteran Criminal lawyer. He has acted for Singapore Medical Council in the capacity of but not limited to conducting prosecutions under the Medical Registration Act (Cap174) and related subsidiary legislation. He has previously acted for the Professional Engineers Board Singapore and the Building and Construction Authority in relation to professional disciplinary matters in 2015/2016. He acted for the Council of Estate Agencies in 2017/2018.
Eng Hui started his legal career in the Attorney General’s Chambers where he served as a Deputy Public Prosecutor for 5 years from 1987 to 1993. In 1993 he was transferred to the judicial service where he served as a District Judge for just under a year before moving on to private practice.
Eng Hui has extensive experience in Criminal legal practice, having handled numerous crime law cases all the way up to Court of Appeal level. Some of the cases he has handled as a DPP include:
Tay Chin Wah v PP [2001] 1 SLR(R) 838. Appeared for the Appellant in the Court of Appeal in a case that involved using a firearm with intent to cause physical injury under the Arms Offences Act (Cap 14).
Yeo Kang Ho v PP [2001] SGCA 74. Appeared for the Appellant in the Court of Appeal in a drug trafficking case.
PP v Kwan Cin Cheng [1998] 1 SLR(R) 434. Appeared for the Respondent in the Court of Appeal in a murder case where the defence of grave and sudden provocation was raised, and the Court applied the “reasonable man” test.
PP v Low Tiong Choon [1998] 2 SLR(R) 119. Appeared for the Respondent (a police officer at the Subordinate Court) in the PP’s appeal against conviction in a case under the Prevention of Corruption Act (Cap 241).
PP v Okonkwo Gabriel and another [1993] 2 SLR(R) 256. Appeared for the PP in a drug trafficking case that involved foreign accused persons and a special agent from the US DEA.
Ho Boon Thong v PP [1991] 2 SLR(R) 240. Appeared for the PP in a case involving a young person. The issue involved the determination of the relevant date for determining the age of a “young person” for the purposes of the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court under s 48 of the Children and Young Persons Act (Cap 38).
PP v Ker Ban Siong [1992] 2 SLR(R) 181. Appeared for the PP in a case where the High Court ruled on whether an adverse inference can be drawn from the silence of an accused person.
In addition, Eng Hui also has substantial experience in cases involving corruption, fraud and deceit.
Besides criminal practice, Eng Hui who also has a degree in Civil Engineering is also familiar with construction law and claim disputes. He is also experienced in private prosecution in Copyright and Trademark infringement matters.
Eng Hui is also the Chairman of Institutional Discipline Advisory / Review Committee 6 (IDAC/IDRC IV). This is one of 6 sub-committees formed under the Singapore Prison Service that renders an opinion to the Director of Prisons on whether the corporal punishment ordered by a Superintendent on any inmate for committing an institutional offence in penal institutions / DRCs is excessive.